Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nuntun Nims Island sama Rinceu

^^ abis maem soto n sop kambing, dua cewe iseng langsung pulang kantor dg niat nuntun Nims Island yang maen jam 19:45 di setiabudi-one, hihihi, and lucky us just come exactly in the right time.
Awalnya filmnya agak lucu karna dimulai dengan narasi yang simple and so kiddies. Tapi jangan salah, banyak banget pesan-pesan moral yang disampaikan sampai diujung cerita. Kata-kata Nim yang paling gw inget adalah “I cannot be the only hero in my own stories!” menurut gw itu adalah kata-kata yang dalleemm banget,,,
kita hidup ini slalu pengen jadi yang terbaik, there must a part in our self that wanna be a hero, but whoever you are, you just cannot be the only hero in your life.. you need help, you need support, you need spirit, you need soul mate, to complete your life n your journey. My mom is a hero, even after my father died, but my mom still cannot be the only hero, she need support from another family, from her Childs (of course me also ^^), and sometimes from her friends.

I wanna be a hero, of course with my love, Adi Setiawan, :)

1 comment:

Anie said...

oalah... sering pulang malem tuh bukannya kerja to... tapi jalan2 ..??